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Patients who have visited the Alwoodley Medical Centre recently will have noticed that a new notice board and accompanying bookcase have appeared in the waiting area.
Your Patient Participation Group is proud to introduce The Reading Well Scheme which suggests helpful reading for adults and young people experiencing a variety of conditions.
We hope that you will read the posters on the noticeboard because they explain how each group of patients is targeted and supported.
We have provided leaflets of recommended titles which you can take away.
In addition, we have provided examples, of other books which we believe could be helpful. All the books that you will see on display in the AMC waiting area have been borrowed from our nearby Moor Allerton library.
It is hoped that if a patient, or relative, sees a book which may prove helpful, they will take the short walk down to the library and ask to borrow it.
For any patient who is not a member of the library, this is not a problem. The friendly library staff will enrol you and if the book that you have requested is not immediately available, they will get if for you within days.
Also, although there will be a recommended return date, this is not something to worry about as there are no longer fines for late returns and the books can be returned to any Leeds library.
Did you know you can manage repeat prescriptions from Alwoodley Medical centre in the NHS App?
You can easily choose where your prescriptions are sent. So, if you know you'll be away from home or you are moving home, you can change your nominated pharmacy from within the app.
You can also order your prescription at any time that suits you. There’s no need to wait to join a telephone queue or wait until the GP surgery opens.
It’s easy to use, and, if you hit a snag, you can go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit
Find out more about the NHS App at:
Register for Online services with the surgery click here
Did you know...?
Our practice is working closely with local pharmacists to support you with certain minor health conditions.
We are participating in a new approach to improve access for patients to GP appointments. The aim is to direct patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional, which may be a GP or a pharmacist.
If your symptoms could be resolved by a booked consultation with the pharmacist instead of the GP, you will be given a same-day referral to a pharmacy of your choice.
We think this is a good thing. Once you see how great your local pharmacist is – they are highly trained and skilled clinicians experienced in treating minor illnesses – we don’t think you’ll look back.
This will also help us to free up GP appointments for people with more complex health needs and ensure that everyone gets treated at the right time, by the right healthcare professional. We are keen to hear what you think and will be listening to your comments and feedback about your experience of using this service.
CPCS Leaflet :